Turnkey Solutions
Aqua Zone offers a complete in-house solution when it comes water solutions.
Optimizing plant efficiency requires a whole of process approach, starting with understanding client needs, plant design and through to operations.
Aqua Zone Project Life Cycle
What sets Aqua Zone apart:
• Ability to provide the best technical solution, based on 10 years’ experience in specialized membrane process design, perfecting over 100 projects.
• The provision of full in-house design and fabrication under ISO9001 accreditation, ensuring project cost control and the meeting of delivery schedules.
• Guaranteed process and operational performance.
• Quality, safety and environmental accreditations – ISO 9001, 2008.
• Remote operations and continuous monitoring through 24 hour manned operations control centre. Aqua Zone’s proprietary remote monitoring and control system and are further supported by local technical service engineers.
Water Evaluation
There is no single solution for treating water. Water has different characteristics depending on where it comes from and a whole host of other variables. A detailed analysis is therefore essential to ensure the process Aqua Zone delivers is fit for purpose.
The Aqua Zone technical services team is highly skilled in water evaluation and process selection. Providing the samples of your raw water and the quality of water you need is all that is required.
Next comes thorough testing, which provides all the answers regarding the process technologies required to treat that raw water to a quality that can support your operation.
Pilot Plants
Thorough testing is one of the keys to the right whole of life solution. For that reason Aqua Zone has heavily invested in pilot plants that enable evaluation of the merits of the various technologies and operational regimes.
These pilot plants are readily available and can be quickly adapted to meet project specific needs. Installed on-site they will mimic the performance of the proposed solution for that site and can be programmed to trial proposed modifications.
This experience is part of Aqua Zone’s research and development program and adds to the company’s knowledge base.
Design Build Commission
The tailored designs that Aqua Zone provide its clients offer the optimal water solution but also take into consideration plant management, operations and maintenance for the life of the plant.
Developing technical concepts into full detailed designs, including 3D drawings is part of the design phase. These drawings have the added advantage of enabling clients to view the project in detail before and as the plant are being built. Full parametric models are also produced, containing all the equipment required to make the project a reality, including the bill of materials.
Aqua Zone’s Burton desalination manufacturing facility is the largest of its type in the southern hemisphere. The world class facility provides the ability to fabricate and test, minimizing build time on site. This philosophy allows for integration between the design and fabrication phases.
Aqua Zone’s commissioning regimes allow for formal commissioning to be completed before any equipment leaves the premises.
This includes thorough and full wet-testing which is carried out with the aid of a commissioning water pump set and a 250kL rainwater tank at the Burton manufacturing facility.
Such practices ensure that on-site commissioning is minimized and site acceptance testing can focus on fine tuning to meet site-specific conditions.
Turnkey Solution Project Examples: